See what makes Bialas Printing unique

Business Card Connection

You are out for dinner at your favourite restaurant, enjoying that steak you have been craving since you made the reservation last week. As you finish your meal and pay the bill you head for the exit. Upon walking out you run into an old colleague from a previous job and stop and chit-chat for a few moments. While in conversation you ask him what he is doing for work these days and he tells you that he is CEO of a major branding company. You had no idea that this old contact had made such strides, the exact strides in which could benefit your business if a business relationship was made. As the conversation begins to conclude he is called to his table and you can’t leave without giving him your information. The perfect opportunity to hand him your BUSINESS CARD and shake his hand. Connection made…a business card connection!Read More

Buying Local

It seems these days that we neglect buying local and we want things to be convenient, easy & cheap. Who can blame us? Our time is precious and so is our money, so any way to gain a little extra of either is important. 

What about the feeling of accomplishment? Or even the feeling that we have helped out our local business community when we are buying local? These things are very important as well.

Time and time again in our business we gain customers on the basis of them being let down by another printing company. Companies that advertise that they are convenient. Companies that advertise that they are easy to deal with. And companies that advertise that their prices can’t be beat. And although 1….maybe 2 of those are true, they lack in certain areas that a local company like ours thrives on.Read More

A Lesson on Printing Terms from Bialas Printing

Today’s lesson for our customers is to educate on some of the more common printing terms in our industry. Each letter in this alphabet represents something meaningful to the work we do. It could be one of our products or services, a method of printing or even the name of our shop cat! Class is in session.

printing termsRead More

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